We are a Nepal-based trekking company that is Travelife Certified and operates under their close supervision. Our main goal is to promote sustainability and ensure sustainable growth of our business. We achieve this through a comprehensive sustainability policy guided by Travelife. This policy ensures we embed sustainability into every aspect of our operation. This minimizes environmental impact, supports local communities, and fosters responsible tourism practices.

From management and supply chain to destinations and customer relations, sustainability is at our core. Our sustainability policy guides us in educating our staff, crews, clients, and suppliers, fostering a shared understanding of responsible travel.

Things we have done

To support our sustainable policy, we have taken several initiatives:

  1. Enhancing waste management practices by implementing compartment bins and partnering with Doko Recycler.
  2. Promoting sustainability awareness among employees and involving them in commitment and action plans.
  3. Giving preference to sustainable goods and services whenever possible.
  4. Encouraging our clients to adopt responsible environmental practices during their holidays.
  5. Developing and sharing sustainable best practices with accommodation, transportation, and excursion providers, urging them to operate sustainably.
  6. Prioritizing locally owned accommodations that are carefully selected.
  7. Implementing an animal welfare policy that prohibits activities such as elephant riding or bathing.
  8. Opting for energy-efficient and “Energy Star” rated office equipment during procurement.
  9. Improving energy conservation by installing low flush toilets, LED lights, and raising awareness among staff and clients.
  10. Installing a rooftop rainwater collection system at our office to use the collected water for irrigation and restroom purposes.
  11. Minimizing paper usage by avoiding unnecessary printing and utilizing digital means for document transmission and trip dossiers.
  12. Ensuring fair wages and growth opportunities for our staff and trekking crew.
  13. Promoting paper reuse and double-sided printing to reduce paper waste.
  14. Powering our office with renewable energy through the use of solar panels.
  15. Providing reusable metal bottles to our clients.
  16. Distributing eco-posters at tea houses and schools along the route to raise awareness about sustainability and environmental consciousness.
  17. Using biodegradable hand soap and cleaning powder, sourced from “Earth Spices,” which are handmade and packaged by women from impoverished and remote communities.
  18. Implementing a hybrid working policy since 2020 to offer staff more flexibility and reduce commuting emissions.

Read more about our Sustainability Policy

Travelife Certified NST



Travelife Certified Company in Nepal

Please check the link for the Sustainability Report 2021-2023

For more information on our sustainability and CSR policies, please contact

Ms. Pramila Shrestha

Sustainability Coordinator


Nepal Sanctuary Treks

Banshidhar Marg, Chandol Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel: +977 1 4531610, 4526721
E-mail: info@nepalsanctuarytreks.com, sanctuarytreks@gmail.com



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